Flight of the Feminine

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Awaken your feminine heart and claim your authenticΒ sacred self.
Awaken your feminine heart and claim your authenticΒ sacred self.
Welcome to Flight of the Feminine, where we will take your self-love, liberation and sovereignty to a whole new level. I'm with you on this wild ride of self-actualization, sacred becoming, and shedding all that you are not, and truly never were.
This show is not only being curated as a resource for you, it is also an expression of love, trust and acknowledgement that YOU TOO can take flight at any point in your life and embody your fullest self.
This podcast helps you return home within, and invites you to cultivate a relationship with your inner wise woman. It will support the expansion of your self-awareness, the embracing of your shadow self, provide pathways for re-embodiment, and guidance for you to unveil your own authentic nature, amidst the process of unbecoming AND remembrance.
I will offer you space for being real with yourself, for reflection AND empowered action. We will explore limiting beliefs, the dissolution of inner patriarchal residue, all things energy, earth based and goddess spirituality, divination, breath, body wisdom and so much more. And, I love relatable metaphors - you're gonna get lots of those!
I am passionate about sharing both spiritual and practical ways to evoke your curiosity, your deepest desires, and stoke your capacity to live more intentionally, authentically & awake to your own divinity.
Welcome to Flight of the Feminine
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About your guide Amanda,
It all began with a tower moment, over a decade ago.
As my life crumbled, I examined the pieces, picking them up over & over again.
Nothing felt familiar in that pile of rubble.
There was no way to put the tower back together.
Nor did I want to. IT wasn't mine.
Then there was 'the space'.
The space where the tower of my former life was echoing.
From within that echo, I heard a subtle tone that felt like home.
I listened more intently. She called again.
I closed my eyes, and felt her presence.
My Inner Wise Woman.
She had been trapped in that tower for years.
Finally, her voice was riding the echoes of the past and reached my heart.
Her aliveness erupted in my womb.