My services are for you if you're ready to love yourself unconditionally, embody empowerment and crave a deeper soul connection in your life.
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I help you connect with your inner wise woman. Your unique life experiences are the gateway to transforming your life, on your terms.
I lovingly hear the pain points in your story and help alchemize these into opportunities for self-love, empowered choice, and reclaiming your inner trust. You feel liberated, more peaceful, trusting, and embodied when living from a place of self-love and personal power. Healing evokes a sense of wholeness and connects you to the magic of life. As your heart heals and opens, it connects you to that sacred place of belonging within, and helps you to live an intuitive, authentic and more connected life.
I offer a variety of services that can meet you at these tender and powerful pivot points in your life. I offer you practical tools, spiritual guidance, and an unwavering belief in your capacity to heal and embrace your divine self.
1 on 1 Healing Sessions
1 on 1 Healing Sessions provide a safe, loving and supportive space for you to discover, explore, and transform your unhelpful beliefs and mindset patterning, energetic imprinting, and your mental-emotional wounds and lineage trauma. You have sacred time to reclaim your innate strengths, restore your worth and to nurture your inner light.
A blend of modalities are used in sessions including Reiki, Intuitive Shamanic Energy work, Consciousness Coaching, Mindfulness & Yogic practices, Sacred Breathwork, amongst others.
All Sessions Include:
Intuitive Oracle/Tarot Card Spirit Message, channelled vision highlighting current energies, and chakra assessment using dowsing rods. *This is completed 15min prior to your session start time and shared during your session.
Follow up emails/text messages with your Oracle/Tarot Card images/meanings, references, links, other resources and sacred reminders are provided as appropriate to your session.
All remote Energy Healing sessions include an audio recording of the notes from your session sent to you via email, post-session.
Available in-person at my private space in the South Shore of Mi’kma’ki, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Available Online Internationally (Virtual Coaching + Remote Energy Healing)
A solo session is great if your current schedule doesn't allow for a session package; you're preparing for an important life event; an unexpected life event has unsettled your clarity or emotional balance, and you need immediate support; you've had a spiritual awakening and wanting to explore further; and/or you "know" you need a deeper dive into something you are already consciously navigating.
A one-time deep dive exploration:
90 minute session: $322 + tax
120 minute session: $422 + tax
Energy Healing & Spiritual Guidance
(Remote only)
A great option for when you are unable to attend in person, time is short in your day, and you are in need of healing support. You receive energy rebalancing, deep restoration, insight and guidance from your higher self, your own energy system and Spirit. This is valuable support for you during a time of change, overwhelm, excess fatigue, confusion and when personal growth is actively underway.
Each session includes:
Initial email/text messaging to highlight your current need for support
“Set up” reminders sent via email
Remote Intuitive Shamanic Reiki offered at booked time
Audio Recording of Notes/ Spiritual Guidance from the session is sent via email post-session.
Follow Up email/text X 1 post-session
60 minute session: $177 + Tax
Email booking only. Online booking is not currently available for Energy Healing & Spiritual Guidance Sessions. Contact me about this session here.
Tune In & Balance
(Remote only)
These sessions are intended to offer you a safe and loving space to check in with yourself while receiving mindset support, spiritual guidance and to balance your emotional and energetic state. We focus on one current area of concern, an insight you've had, or a pivot point you want clarity with in order to move forward.
Each session includes:
Zoom/FaceTime/Phone Session
Intuitive Support includes a combination of any of the following ~ Consciousness Coaching, Remote Energy Balancing, Somatic Support, Mindfulness & Intuition support practices, and messages from Spirit.
30 Minute session: $88 + Tax
Email booking only. Online booking is not currently available for Tune in & Balance Sessions. Contact me about this session here.
Healing Session Packages
Deepen your healing journey with a session package. Session packages are designed to give you the time, space, and support necessary to experience healing and meaningful change in your life. Each person's journey is unique and deserving of adequate time for awakening, processing and real-life transformation. With my guidance and support, together, we intuitively discover what methods and practices will best support your healing and growth.
Session packages are offered at 3, 6, and 12 months.
Healing Nest Package
Join me in the Healing Nest, where you have time to deeply nestle into your personal and spiritual growth plus get extra support in between sessions.
Often following sessions clients have further insights, synchronicities and/or have resistance show up as they change old patterns, and make more loving and empowered choices in their lives. The additional 30 minute Virtual Check-Ins (Zoom/Facetime/Phone) added to this package provides ongoing support for you to integrate your insights, stay on course, share your celebrations and challenges, and receive further guidance. This extra emotional support is key when self-care, self-love and creating healthier boundaries are new, or a renewed, part of your healing journey.
3, 6 or 12-month packages to expand your healing journey.
90 minute or 120-minute session options:
90 Minute monthly session
+ & 1 X 30min Virtual Check-In per month
3 months ~ $1065 +tax
6 months ~ $2100 +tax
12 months ~ $4140 +tax
120 Minute monthly session
+ 1 X 30min Virtual Check-In per month
3 months ~ $1332 +tax
6 months ~ $2640 +tax
12 months ~ $5208 +tax
*Option to customize your monthly session package (weekly/biweekly) is possible.
Please inquire.
*Monthly payment plans are available.
Nurture Package
Nurture is designed for those of you who feel more established on your healing path yet desire continued support and guidance. Nurture provides ongoing monthly energetic and mindset support, deep soul nourishment, clarity and 'course correction' support.
*This package DOES NOT include additional 30 min Virtual Check-Ins in between sessions.
3, 6 or 12 month packages to expand your healing journey.
90 minute or 120-minute session options:
90 Minute Session per month:
3 months - $798 +tax
6 months - $1560 +tax
12 months - $3072 +tax
120 Minute Session per month:
3 months ~ $1065 + tax
6 months ~ $2100 + tax
12 months ~ $4140 + tax
*Option to customize your monthly session package (weekly/biweekly) is possible.
Please inquire.
*Monthly payment plans are available.
Sacred Breathwork
Breathwork and rebirthing is a guided breath practice using Consciously Connected Breathing. This type of breathwork is not yogic pranayama, it is a supported breath practice that activates the release of held tension, stress, memories, constricted/blocked energy, and processes mental-emotional and psychic trauma. It serves as a potent tool for spiritual purification. Breathwork is an experience of super-ventilation of breath/lifeforce/prana which alkalizes which both alkalizes the physical body (increasing the level of O2 in your bloodstream). This helps to release and integrate held energy, trauma, and unprocessed experiences.
This type of breathwork alkalizes your blood Ph, creates an anti-inflammatory response in the body, helps to elevate mood, and supports overall health and wellness. I am trained in both Holoptropic Breathwork (Spiritdance® Sacred Breath Holy Water) and level one of Liberation Breathwork®.
The breath used as a tool for transformation creates a bridge between the conscious and subconscious states. This type of cyclical breathwork allows access to, and release of, deep-seated emotional material held in the body which frees up your potential for greater wellness and happiness. Many beliefs, mindset blocks, chronic physical ailments, and life experiences can be explored this way, including conception, in-utero, and birth trauma that may be informing a "birth script" you are still unconsciously repeating in your life.
120 Minute Sessions
3 Session Package ~ $1065 +tax
6 Session Package ~ $1950 +tax
*Sessions can be booked weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Frequency is discussed and confirmed with each individual client.
Read more about Seven Feathers Sacred Breathwork HERE.
Methods of Payment
Payment options include E-transfer, Credit Card, Paypal and Cash (in person)
Pre-payment of first session is required to secure your package.
PIF = Tax included
Inquire about payment plans.
Space Healing & Land Blessings
Space/Land Communication & Healing
Your homes, businesses, and land need energetic clearing, balancing and understanding just like you do. The earth and our dwelling spaces want to be in relationship with you, and you with them. This is the natural order of the web of divine life.
I offer Space Healing within the realm of spiritual healing. I communicate with the energies within your space/place with the intention to bring harmony, coherence and healing wherever it is needed. These sessions can involve direct spirit communication, communication with spirit of place, acknowledging and clearing remnant energies, and offering understanding between yourself and your beloved spaces. Each intuitively guided Space Healing is as unique as each individual human session.
Land Blessings
The land on which you reside and/or work is a living energy system, with a unique personaity often referred to as Spirit of Place. It has not only a geological history, but an energetic one as well. Gaia holds and processes energy just like our human body and has traumas therein, just as we have experienced. The Earth has natural energetic features within it that have qualities that can enhance your connection with it and nurture a sense of stewardship, versus ownership. A beautiful way to create a reverent and respectful relationship with the land you inhabit is through a bespoke Land Blessing.
One calendar opening per month is available for either Space/Land Healing work or Land Blessing, and based on calendar availability.
A free 15 min Discovery Call is required prior to booking confirmation, in order to discuss details of what is occurring, concerns and intentions.
Sacred tools used are a combination of the following: copper dowsing rods, drumming, rattle, plant medicine for cleansing/blessing, and crystals to support energetic re-gridding.
Bespoke Land Blessing items will be discussed and provided, unless there are specific requests from the land energies themselves that must be provided by the land inhabitants.
Space Healing Package: $777 + HST
Home Space Communication & Clearing
“When Amanda came to our new home for a space clearing we were really in for a treat! Not only was the clearing deep and insightful for us (my husband and I), we also both were able to join in the process and thereby gained a much stronger connection to our new home. We also both experienced profound healing in ourselves – Amanda was there for us every step of the way, guiding and supporting us whenever needed. We are very grateful for this experience and wholeheartedly recommend her services."
- Nina Juraschek, 2021
Land Communication & Blessings
“Working with Amanda was a beautiful embodied experience for our whole family. The land work she completed both remotely and on foot was filled with her knowledge and authentic wisdom. She created a custom experience for us that felt very personal. My daughters loved her rituals, offerings and songs. I have no doubt that the memories we made connected us with the land and spirit of place for as long as we care for this land and hopefully passed down as a legacy.”
Kim Marshall, 2023