Sacred Breathwork Holotropic - Consciously Connected Breathing—a practice that’s equal parts science and soul.

It’s time to Allow Space within you body, mind, heart, and energy field. So that you can welcome in new energy and creative life force to your being.

Together we breathe to process stress, tension, and trauma and step into more of your innate power.

Consciously Connected Breathing, also called Holotropic Breathwork —a practice that’s equal parts science and soul.

Join me at Lincoln Street Studio Lunenburg, Nova Scotia for two Upcoming Events:

Flower Moon Sacred Breathwork May 9th, 2025

May's full moon lunar medicine is with the "Flower Moon". This is a time of blossoming. The dream seeds of winter get a boost of nourishment by your careful and intentional tending. This is a time to look at your own life with more decisiveness, intent, joy and creativity. Join us at Lincoln Street Studio, to experience transformation through a Sacred Breathwork practice, Consciously Connected Breathing, guided by Amanda Ring, trained in Holotropic and Liberation Breathwork. Consciously Connected Breathing ——focuses on releasing tension, stress, and trauma to promote spiritual purification and wellness.

This practice supraventilation of the breath, alkalizing blood pH, reducing inflammation, and enhancing mood, health, and well-being. It bridges the conscious and subconscious, allowing deep emotional release for greater happiness. Join us to breathe deeply, release, and transform, unlocking new potential. All are welcome!


When you book both the Pink Full Moon & Flower Moon Sacred Breathwork you receive 10% off BOOK HERE

Pink Full Moon Sacred Breathwork April 11th, 2025

April beholds the " Full Pink Moon" or the " Growing Moon" in ancient celtic lore. this is a time of love, passion, conception. A time naturally awakened with budding romance of life, continued empowered action, and fresh starts to the growing cycle within, and within the realms of the natural world.

Join us at Lincoln Street Studio, to experience transformation through a Sacred Breathwork practice, Consciously Connected Breathing, guided by Amanda Ring, trained in Holotropic and Liberation Breathwork. Consciously Connected Breathing ——focuses on releasing tension, stress, and trauma to promote spiritual purification and wellness. This practice supraventilation of the breath, alkalizing blood pH, reducing inflammation, and enhancing mood, health, and well-being. It bridges the conscious and subconscious, allowing deep emotional release for greater happiness. Join us to breathe deeply, release, and transform, unlocking new potential. All are welcome!


When you book both the Pink Full Moon & Flower Moon Sacred Breathwork you receive 10% off

💎 This is your chance to bridge the conscious and subconscious, let go of what’s holding you back, and step into your next level self.

You’ll leave feeling lighter, freer, and ready to move through life with greater clarity, compassion & courage.

Don’t miss out—because this opportunity only happens once a month, and trust me, when I say that the feedback from these sessions are truly speaking about long lasting shifts. Your transformation is waiting.


Time for Change

Group Mindset Coaching,
Energetic Activation & Sacred Breathwork

with Amanda Ring

Saturday, March 29
1:30 - 5:30 pm (4 hours)
$222 / person

*Use Code: EARLYBIRD10 (available until March 15th)

Join the powerful creative energy of Group Mindset Coaching, Energy Activation & Sacred Breathwork. Purify and align with your personal path of change during the emergence of the spring season, where renewal and rebirth energies are naturally activated and available to support your personal growth.

As we co-create the New Earth together, there is no greater time for reflection, intentional change & empowered action in your life.

This workshop is a great opportunity to be guided through Seven Feather's signature Belief Breakthrough Method to transform limiting beliefs and evoke deeper healing on all levels of your Being. Your body and psyche (both the subconscious & conscious mind) hold emotional and energetic triggers related to your past experiences with change, family narratives, and cultural influences regarding "change". As the focus and theme of this workshop, it's time to get curious about your personal relationship with "change", to actively shape one that promotes greater capacity to move through change, to expand self-love and stoke empowerment in your life.

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