Time for Change
Group Mindset Coaching,
Energetic Activation & Sacred Breathwork
with Amanda Ring
Saturday, March 29
1:30 - 5:30 pm (4 hours)
$222 / person
Lincoln St Studio, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
Join the powerful creative energy of Group Mindset Coaching, Energy Activation & Sacred Breathwork. Purify and align with your personal path of change during the emergence of the spring season, where renewal and rebirth energies are naturally activated and available to support your personal growth.
As we co-create the New Earth together, there is no greater time for reflection, intentional change & empowered action in your life.
This workshop is a great opportunity to be guided through Seven Feather's signature Belief Breakthrough Method to transform limiting beliefs and evoke deeper healing on all levels of your Being. Your body and psyche (both the subconscious & conscious mind) hold emotional and energetic triggers related to your past experiences with change, family narratives, and cultural influences regarding "change". As the focus and theme of this workshop, it's time to get curious about your personal relationship with "change", to actively shape one that promotes greater capacity to move through change, to expand self-love and stoke empowerment in your life.
UPCOMING EVENTS with Amanda at Lincoln St Studio, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.